Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tips for Your Golf Swing

Tips for Your Golf Swing

When it comes to your golf swing, you need to learn new tips, but make sure you don't overthink things or overwhelm yourself with information.

When new golfers start, they often want to soak up every tip and bit of advice that they can. While this is a great attitude, they need to realize that there is only so much they can learn at a time. My advice is to simply start with the basics and make sure you have them down. After that, start taking in tips slowly. If someone gives you advice, begin to focus on incorporating it into your swing if it works for you. If it doesn't simply discard it. After you have successfully incorporated their advice into your swing, get some more. This way you can focus on each individual part of your swing and get it down correctly.

But what do your base your swing off of? Should you swing like Tiger? Phil Mickelson? The answer is to pick a swing that you feel comfortable with. If you're comfortable with your swing, you've won half the battle. You already have something to build off of. There is one other big, extremely important thing you should take into consideration when building your swing. This is crucial to being successful in golf. This can make or break you as a golf player. And the question is.......

Are you hitting the ball?

This is an extremely simple question, but also very important. If you are hitting the ball then you can be a great golfer! While there are millions of ways to hold a club, millions of ways to stand, and millions of ways to swing, there is always one result- the club hitting the ball. It doesn't matter how hard you're hitting the ball, as long as you're hitting you have hope.

So there's the basis of your swing, but how can you become successful with it? This answer is also extremely simple- Practice. I could pull out a bunch of quotes about practice- practice makes perfect, blah blah blah. Just practice! That's what being a good golfer takes. Hits lots and lots of balls. If you notice that doing something a certain way works, then keep doing something. If doing something a certain way makes your swing worse then discard. Just keep playing golf and practicing and you'll gradually begin to notice yourself get better.

So what's the most important part of your golf swing? This would be a question that would probably be heavily debated, but for me the answer is obvious- it's the moment when the club hits (or doesn't hit) the ball. You can have the prettiest, most perfect swing in the world, but if you don't hit the ball then what's the point? The opposite is also true- who cares if your swing is ugly but you hit the ball perfect every time? Nothing matters much more than the impact of the club and the ball.

As I mentioned earlier, the best way to perfect your swing is by trial- and- error. Test out different techniques, grips, swings, stances, anything! Keep your ears open and be ready to test any tips or tricks you hear. Also, try watching golf on TV. After you see a golfer's shot, take a little bit from him and apply it to your own swing. If you can take a couple pieces of each golfer's swing and put it into your own swing, you'll have a very professional swing!

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