Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Increase Golf Swing Speed

Golf swing speed is very important for all golfers, but especially for beginners. How fast your club is going when it strikes the ball determines how far the ball will go. It's simple, the club going fast translates into hitting the ball far. Beginners need to recognize this and try to do everything they can to increase swing speed. Even the smallest adjustments to increase swing speed can be the difference between a birdie and par.
So what determines swing speed? Many things play a role, but the most important is arm position. Golf involves quite a bit of physics, with centrifugal force being one of the most important physics concepts involved in golf. The definition of centrifugal force is:  a fictitious force that can be thought of as acting outwards on any body that rotates or moves along a curved path. The most effective way to apply this concept is by having an equal amount of swing with both arms as well as both sides of your waist. You don't even need much strength behind it. It's similar to a baseball player hitting- he doesn't just use his arms, he gets his waist, hips, shoulders, and whole body into his swing. This isn't too unlike a golf swing. When you swing in golf, you need to get your back, waist, arm then wrist into your swing.  This will help you add more power into your swing, which translates into higher swing speed which means you'll hit the ball farther.
By getting all of your body into the swing, you are able to hit the ball hard without it slicing. The key here is to use both sides of your body equally. When you don't do that you'll notice that the ball will curve to one side or the other. This is because you hit the ball on one side, creating spin and causing it to curve. Swinging this way is also better because you will put less strain on your muscles and feel less tired and sore after a game of golf.
So what do you need to remember next time you play golf in order to hit the ball farther?
1. Get your whole body into the ball
2. Use each side of your body equally when swinging

I hope this post helps you to increase your swing speed!

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