Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Your Road To Becoming a Great Golfer

So do you want to become a good golfer? Maybe even a professional? If so, you need to ask yourself one question:
Am I willing to work hard enough to become one?
Most people will say yes to this question, but few will actually do so. If you're willing to work hard, you can become a great golfer. But this is true if and only if you're willing to work harder than 99% of the other golfers out there who think that they're willing to work hard enough to become a great golfer. Becoming a great golfer requires a lot of practice, playing, and learning. You need to do these things consistently in order to become a great golfer. As I mentioned in one of my earlier posts, practice makes perfect. This is especially true for golf. If you can practice your technique until it is near perfect, then you will become a great golfer.

Think about everyone out there who wants to be a professional golfer. There's lots of people out there who have more talent than you. So how do you beat their talent? The answer is surprisingly simple- you have to work hard. One of my favorite quotes is "hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard". This is a great quote in my opinion. Someone can have all the talent in the world, but if they don't work hard and practice then they won't be successful. In order to be a great golfer, you need to work hard.

How hard do you need to work? That depends on how good you want to be? If you just want to be better than your buddies you golf with every Sunday, then you may just need an extra hour or two of practice every week. If you want to become a professional golfer then you need to work on your golf game every day.

Now get to work! Go do what you need to do in order to become a better golfer. I have quite a few tips posted in this blog, I suggest reading through some of my blog posts. You might just learn something new.

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